Monday 25 August 2014

Tokio Hotel TV: They're Baaaack!!

Hi there everyone,

So firstly, my apologies for failing to post last week. Life of a uni student I guess. In any case, I thought I'd do a bit of catching up by posting two reviews this week.

After five years of anxious waiting, catching snippets of them in collaborations, scanning their website for the mention of a new video or even just one of their "thank you for voting" videos, they are FINALLY back. I'm no hard core rock fan but Tokio Hotel has always had a special place with me. I love that their songs have substance and carry important meanings. Their earlier work (i.e. Scream) had excellent songs like Don't Jump (my personal favourite) which was anti-suicide, Forgotten Children about immigrant children that are neglected in the streets and Break Away about refusing to conform to the norms and being your own person.

In 2009 they reappeared on the scene with a new sound and new look (mostly Bill's hair really). Gone was the massive black and white lion's mane now replaced by black and white dreadlocks (what?) for their video Automatic. He'd changed it again by the time they did the video for their second single World Behind My Wall from the long awaited album Humanoid. Admittedly, I only became a fan in late 2009 when I first heard Automatic. I rushed to YouTube and found myself falling in love with their music. I didn't waste time buying Humanoid (in English and German) as well has Scream and some songs from Zimmer 483. I even made sure I got my copy of the Welcome to Humanoid City Tour DVD because sadly, they never seem to tour in NZ. Their performance in the 2009 EMA Awards had me hooked - all that fire and the double meaning to the song World Behind My Wall (I'm referring to the 20 year anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall). Beautiful.

And now, after a very long absence, Tokio Hotel have decided yet again to grace us fans with something new to feast on - a new season of Tokio Hotel TV! Veteran fans will remember the old series which followed the lives of band members Bill, Tom, Georg and Gustav as they trekked through America on their Scream tour. They boys have been hard at work creating a new album, getting a myriad of new tattoos and piercings and collaborating with fellow label mates, Far East Movement (If I Die Tomorrow is a pretty awesome song!). Of course Bill has been changing up his hair a ton and experimenting with some new clothes which I'm sure fans are going to LOVE.

The first episode of the new Tokio Hotel TV aired on Wednesday 6th August (which was Thursday at like 3am for us Kiwis) and boy was I excited! The boys were finally reunited in LA and work really seemed to underway for the new album. The twins seem to have had an even bigger role in the production of this album although it seems as though Tom's been doing most of the work. The G's, who remained in Germany despite the twins moving to the US, rejoined for the final touches to the album and of course the photo shoots!

They haven't given too many hints as to what the new album will sound like but I have been catching a few snippets of tracks here and there. So far so good! With any luck they'll release it soon and put us all out of our misery. And hopefully they'll go back to making a ton of music videos instead of just two. Come on Bill, I know you love getting all dressed up for them!

If you're a fan like me, do check out their YouTube channel for the new series which airs every Wednesday/Thursday (depending on where you live). If you're not, check them out anyway, they're pretty freaking awesome!



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